C.E.I.E.C. is recognised worldwide in its role as a provider of high-quality early intervention programmes. We specialise in the inclusion of children into mainstream education, in overcoming severe behavioural problems, and in the acquisition of functional language skills. All of our clients are assured of a carefully planned, closely monitored, and highly individual approach to their particular needs, whatever their level of functioning.
As a provider, we do NOT discriminate against slower learners; it is unethical, and we WILL NOT "cherry-pick" children according to their learning potential.
Duncan Fennemore has been Clinical Director of CEIEC since 1993.
Our Services
C.E.I.E.C. currently offers home- and school-based programmes, in the U.K., Ireland, continental Europe, Oman, Dubai, Bahrain, Kuwait and India, and will travel globally from our base in the U.K. C.E.I.E.C. offers three services:
1. Implementation and supervision of intensive early intervention programmes for children with developmental delays, in the client's home and/or school.
2. Training workshops and conferences for teachers, behavioural therapists, speech therapists and parents, in the techniques and applications of Applied Behaviour Analysis. Topics include; Dealing with Problem Behaviour; Teaching Play and Socialisation; School Inclusion for Children with Autism; Teaching Communication to the Autistic and Developmentally-Delayed Child; Improving your Home-based Programme; From Non-Verbal to Verbal.
3. Consultation to schools (including specialist A.B.A. schools).
Apart from the work that we do in assessing and directly working with children, we also train family members, teachers, special needs assistants, and home-therapists in using the principles of ABA in their teaching. Through regular consultations, we develop our programmes alongside each of our children's continuing progress and always work toward ensuring that they are learning as much as they comfortably can. As we said earlier, we judge our own success as an organisation on the RESULTS that we see and on nothing else.